How to Hack Facebook Accounts All Tutrials

We have discussed alot about popular password cracking methods such as Bruteforce, Dictionary attack and Rainbow tables. However a question I get asked frequently is if it's possible to crack a Facebook account. So I wish to clear concepts related to Hacking/Cracking Facebook accounts. First of all "Hacking a Facebook account" and "Cracking a facebook account" are both different terminologies.Hacking a facebook account refers to foolproof methods such as Phishing, keylogging, Social engineering etc.However the terminology cracking refers to the methods such as Bruteforce, Dictionary attacks etc.

1:Brute Force Attacks 

2:Dictionary Attacks

3:Cracking Facebook Accounts

4:Hack A Facebook Account By Exploiting Facebook's Trusted Friend Feature 


6:Hijacking Facebook Fan Pages 

7:Hack Facebook Account Status - Facebook Status Vulnerability

8:Facebook phishing


10:Session Hijacking

11:Sidejacking With Firesheep

12:DNS Spoofing

13:USB Hacking 

14:Man In the Middle Attacks


16:Movable Mobile Hacking

What is Brute Force Attacks?

Ans:Bruteforce is one of the most common and most reliable password cracking methodologies. A bruteforce attack tries all possible combinations against the medium, until the correct password is found. However the problem with a bruteforce attack is that as the password complexity increases, the time taken to crack a password also increases.

What is Dictionary Attacks?

Ans:The only difference with a bruteforce attack and Dictionary attack is that "A Dictionary attack tries the passwords which we want it to try". Confusing?. In a dictionary attack we have the freedom to choose a huge list of words that people commonly use in their password (Depending upon the situation). The following video will help you understand more about Dictionary attacks. ( Dictionary Attacks tutorial ).

What is Cracking Facebook Accounts ?

Ans:Coming back to the main topic of this article. A few hours back while I was watching hacking related videos on, I came across to a video in which the hacker claimed that one can use "Hydra To Crack A Facebook Password". However here is why a bruteforce attack won't work against a facebeook account.Facebook and all other popular social networking websites lock an email account, after few unsuccessful login attempts. They either have introduced an "Account Lockout Feature" or they either have introduced an "Account Lockout" feature, which prevents an automated password cracking method to work. However, even if you get it working, A minimum facebook password length is about 6-characters. kindly refer to the chart and find out your success rate. ( Cracking Facebook Accounts tutorial )

What is keylogger ?

This tool is extremely easy to connect and use. All you have to do is give an email address and a password where the stolen information is to deliver. Can’t be easier than that.Just type in the email address and password and then click on the build button. A new “SERVER.EXE” file will be created and most of the work is already done. Now the big part comes. Just send this file to the victim. Rename it, change the icon and make it more presentable so that the victim opens it for sure.As soon as the victim opens the file, Server.exe will get all the passwords saved and facebook account credentials and will give them to you. To avoid detection, the facebook Hacker will also look for all the processes related to a security suite and kill them upon detection. The most important thing this software does is it kills all the security suite detecting it.

Download Facebook Hacker Keylogger Buileder Tool

What is Hijaking Facebook?

However it's a simple facebook bug which helps the admins to remove another admin. However facebook should set up a rule that the original admins should not be removed. The following video by Sophos explains how easy it is to hijack facebook fan pages.However it's quite strange to see according to facebook help page, Primary or original admin cannot be removed. However it's untrue. Which evolves the whole idea of Hijacking facebook fan pages

 ( Hijacking Facebook fan pages tutorial )


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