Download Calculus by Thomas and Finny 11th Edition

Author :- Thomas ,Finny

George Thomas :early year are so difficult.His father George Brinton Thomas was a bank employe.His  Mother George Fay Thomas died just eight  years before his fifth birthday.His father remarried shortly to Lena Steward.After his stepmother Lena died from complications due to childbirth, the father and son moved to the Spokane Valley in Washington State, where they both attendedSpokane University. George Thomas Sr. married again, to Gertrude Alice Johnson.[1] Thomas began attending Washington State College (now Washington State University), after Spokane University went bankrupt.
Thomas finished his doctoral work in 1940 and was immediately hired by MIT for a one-year teaching appointment. He was well liked at MIT, and was invited to join the faculty after his teaching fellowship ended.
In 1951, Addison-Wesley was then a new publishing company specializing in textbooks and technical literature. The management was unhappy with the calculus textbook they were then publishing, so they approached Thomas, asking if he could revise the book. Instead, he went ahead with an entirely new book. The first edition came out in 1952; Calculus and Analytic Geometry is now in its twelfth edition and is in use worldwide.

Edition :- 11th Edition

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About this book:-

This is the latest edition of calculus by the writer. The writer have fully cleaned this book form errors. All the errors in the book have been fully reduced. This is the best book for calculus student. Very easy to learn and understand.

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