Camfrog Video Chat blends personal instant messaging, chat rooms, and video chat into one well-designed application. Very few free applications offer as many features as Camfrog, and you will find the community of users to be active and diverse, giving you an engaging experience.
Camfrog Video Chat allows you to join real streaming video chat rooms where you can hear, see, and chat with many people at a time. It is videoconferencing software works behind most firewalls and routers. Camfrog Video Chat allows multi-user videoconferencing where you can join a room with up to 1000 users and just click a user name to begin seeing someone. Press the 'talk' button to talk to the entire room with audio. The video chat rooms are hosted by broadband users who are running the Camfrog Video Chat Room Server software so any user can set up their own multi-user video conference for other users to join.
What's new in this version:
- Fully re-designed Rooms Browser - Now browse by rooms that are near you, that are the most popular, have the most webcams, are the most favorite, or browse by interest tags!
- Stickers can now be used in Instant Messages - Express yourself using stickers and have more fun.
- Enhanced privacy - Now you can combine Privacy mode with Online, Away, Busy, Invisible
- Change behavior of YouTube in chat rooms - You can now hide the video window and restore it ... See all new features »
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