DNS Background and Concepts

DNS Backgroun And COncepts

The DNS is a widely used naming service on the Internet and other TCP/IP networks. The network protocols, data and file formats, and other aspects of the DNS are Internet Standards, specified in a number of RFC documents, and described by a number of other reference and tutorial works. The DNS has a distributed, client-server architecture. There are reference implementations for the server and client, but these are not part of the standard. There are a number of additional implementations available for many platforms.

Naming Services

Naming services are used to provide a mapping between textual names and configuration data of some form. A name server maintains this mapping, and clients request the name server to resolve a name into its attached data.
The reader should have a good understanding of basic hosts to IP address mapping and IP address class specifications, see Section 23.6, “Name Service Concepts”.
In the case of the DNS, the configuration data bound to a name is in the form of standard Resource Records (RR's). These textual names conform to certain structural conventions.

26.1.2. The DNS namespace

The DNS presents a hierarchical name space, much like a UNIX filesystem, pictured as an inverted tree with the root at the top.
MID-LEVEL .diverge.org
| | |
BOTTOM-LEVEL strider.diverge.org samwise.diverge.org wormtongue.diverge.org
This record contains the numerical IP address associated with the name.
This record contains the Canonical Name (an FQDN with an associated A record) of the host name to which this record is bound. This record type is used to provide name aliasing, by providing a link to another name with which other appropriate RR's are associated. If a name has a CNAME record bound to it, it is an alias, and no other RR's are permitted to be bound to the same name.
This record contains a textual name. These records are bound to names built in a special way from numerical IP addresses, and are used to provide a reverse mapping from an IP address to a textual name. This is described in more detail in Section 26.1.8, “Reverse Resolution”.
This record type is used to delegate a sub-tree of the Domain Name space to another nameserver. The record contains the FQDN of a DNS nameserver with information on the sub-domain, and is bound to the name of the sub-domain. In this manner, the hierarchical structure of the DNS is established. Delegation is described in more detail in Section 26.1.4, “Delegation”.
This record contains the FQDN for a host that will accept SMTP electronic mail for the named domain, together with a priority value used to select an MX host when relaying mail. It is used to indicate other servers that are willing to receive and spool mail for the domain if the primary MX is unreachable for a time. It is also used to direct email to a central server, if desired, rather than to each and every individual workstation.
Contains two strings, intended for use to describe the host hardware and operating system platform. There are defined strings to use for some systems, but their use is not enforced. Some sites, because of security considerations, do not publicise this information.
A free-form text field, sometimes used as a comment field, sometimes overlaid with site-specific additional meaning to be interpreted by local conventions.
This record is required to appear for each zone file. It lists the primary nameserver and the email address of the person responsible for the domain, together with default values for a number of fields associated with maintaining consistency across multiple servers and caching of the results of DNS queries.

The system can also be logically divided even further if one wishes at different points. The example shown above shows three nodes on the diverge.org domain, but we could even divide diverge.org into subdomains such as "strider.net1.diverge.org", "samwise.net2.diverge.org" and "wormtongue.net2.diverge.org"; in this case, 2 nodes reside in "net2.diverge.org" and one in "net1.diverge.org".
There are directories of names, some of which may be sub-directories of further names. These directories are sometimes called zones. There is provision for symbolic links, redirecting requests for information on one name to the records bound to another name. Each name recognised by the DNS is called a Domain Name, whether it represents information about a specific host, or a directory of subordinate Domain Names (or both, or something else).
Unlike most filesystem naming schemes, however, Domain Names are written with the innermost name on the left, and progressively higher-level domains to the right, all the way up to the root directory if necessary. The separator used when writing Domain Names is a period, ".".
Like filesystem pathnames, Domain Names can be written in an absolute or relative manner, though there are some differences in detail. For instance, there is no way to indirectly refer to the parent domain like with the UNIX .. directory. Many (but not all) resolvers offer a search path facility, so that partially-specified names can be resolved relative to additional listed sub-domains other than the client's own domain. Names that are completely specified all the way to the root are called Fully Qualified Domain Names or FQDNs. A defining characteristic of an FQDN is that it is written with a terminating period. The same name, without the terminating period, may be considered relative to some other sub-domain. It is rare for this to occur without malicious intent, but in part because of this possibility, FQDNs are required as configuration parameters in some circumstances.
On the Internet, there are some established conventions for the names of the first few levels of the tree, at which point the hierarchy reaches the level of an individual organisation. This organisation is responsible for establishing and maintaining conventions further down the tree, within its own domain.

26.1.3. Resource Records

Resource Records for a domain are stored in a standardised format in an ASCII text file, often called a zone file. The following Resource Records are commonly used (a number of others are defined but not often used, or no longer used). In some cases, there may be multiple RR types associated with a name, and even multiple records of the same type.
Common DNS Resource Records
A: Address
CNAME: Canonical Name
It is common for these records to be used to point to hosts providing a particular service, such as an FTP or HTTP server. If the service must be moved to another host, the alias can be changed, and the same name will reach the new host.
PTR: Pointer
NS: Name Server
MX: Mail eXchange
HINFO: Host Information
TXT: Text
SOA: Start of Authority

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